Bamboo Flooring Coffee Gloss Color
Code: CHG-F 960x96x15
Quality: A - Highest (Moso species)
Dimensions: 960 x 96 x 15 mm
Humidity: 8(+-2)%
Weight: 650 Kg/m3 sau 10.39 Kg/m2
Brinell hardness: 4.7
Janka hardness: 1180
Finishing: 7 coats (5 of nontoxic UV cured lacquer and 2 coats of antiscratch lacquer).
Finish type: gloss (70 degrees)
Packaging: available in boxes of 24 pieces (2.212 sqm/box)(23Kg/ box)
Recomandari: For a very intimate and worm interior, the carbonized bamboo flooring Class Bambus is the most appropriate solution. The very attractive coffee color is optained by way of thermical treatment of wood. This sweets best in larger spaces which don't need to amplify the sensation of space and enjoy enough light. The parquet has a discrete gloss, that makes the surface more noble, but the possible scratches are more obvious on a gloss finish